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Career Development

About Career Development Cell

Considering the contemporary changing trends of employment and entrepreneurship scenario of the world and of our country, and the rampant unemployment and under-employment of the youth in our state, the main focus of the Career Development Cell of Sree Chaitanya Mahavidyalaya (SCM CDC) is to promote livelihood of the students and help them get out of mental depression, by way of ensuring their round-the-year active involvement in co-educational curriculum. SCM CDC aims to project the image of the college as a grooming platform for the students to help them achieve necessary skills and leadership qualities to achieve a successful career and a prosperous life.

The Career Development Cell became active during the academic year 2005-06 with the introduction of UGC sponsored Career Oriented Certificate Courses of 30 credits on ‘Tax practice & Procedure’, ‘Advertising & Sales Promotion’ and ‘Office Management & Secretarial Practice’. Gradual development of infrastructure took place in the forms of developing a reading room with career oriented books, opening up of a micro-teaching practice lab equipped with multimedia facilities, a career information centre and a counselling room for the students. Smart class room is used to organize career consciousness programmes and skill development workshops.


To act as a resource centre to inform, counsel and guide the students, helping them to choose most suitable career avenues and help them acquire suitable skill and knowledge.


  •  To organize seminars/webinars on career planning & career counselling sessions for students;
  •  To organize technical training courses & workshops for capacity building and development of Soft Skills, Life Skills, Language and Communication Skills and ICT- Computing Skills;
  •  To motivate and accelerate the process of development of mindset of youth towards entrepreneurship & leadership;
  •  To maintain a Career Information Centre for students with a rich collection of job oriented & career oriented periodicals, reference books and project reports of various industries;
  •  To maintain a Micro Teaching Lab to help faculty members and students to practice their public speaking skills and produce e-contents;
  •  To publish newsletter/ magazine and career related literatures for the students.


We project the under-mentioned agenda that can practically be implemented, taking the help of all the distinguished patrons – professional experts and corporate, who are willing to share their valuable knowledge, experience, advice and infrastructure for the benefit of our students.

  • Organize students’ workshops and short-term value-added/ add-on courses to enhance Soft skills, Life skills, Language & Communication skills, ICT-Computing skills;
  • Organize Counselling/ Group Discussion sessions for the students;
  • Promote ‘Entrepreneurship as a Career Option’ to the youth;
  • Publish Newsletter/ Magazine on career development - for the students and by the students;
  • Maintain Career Information Centre and Micro Teaching Lab for the use of faculty, students, ex-students and community at large.
Sl.No Member Position
1 Dr. Subrata Chatterjee Principal & Chairperson
2 Dr. Suvendu Saha Associate Professor and Joint Coordinator
3 Mr. Nimai Chandra Mondal Assistant Professor and Joint Coordinator
4 Dr. Sebanti Show Assistant Professor and Member
5 Mr. Abhisek Saha Assistant Professor and Member
6 Ms. Sreyosree Saha Assistant Professor and Member
7 Ms. Namrata Bhattacharya SACT and Member
8 Mr. Uttam Kanti Bhattacharya NTS and Member

An Information Centre has been built up containing information brochures, prospectus and literatures of different professional institutes of higher learning and skill development, as well as books on competitive examinations like UPSC, WBCS, WBAAS, Banking Services, Railway Recruitment Board, School Service, etc. and of entrance exams like NET, SET, CAT, MAT, GMAT, TOEFL, ITI, etc. Collection of Detailed Project Reports of different industrial sectors and MSME sectors,
Guidelines on registration procedures & ROC, Directories of Trade Promotion and relevant information for entrepreneurship development are made available to the students including ex-students. Online search facilities are also provided. Lending of books for short period to the students are provided. Connectivity to E-Resources on Entrepreneurship of IIT (Kharagpur), IIM (Joka), EDII (Ahmedabad) and other premier research institutes as well as of MSME Development Institute and Industrial Census Data of MSME ministry are sought for, which need further persuation for its implementation. Such developments may help to run a Start-up Incubation Centre for the new entrepreneurs in near future.


Group Counselling and Individual Counselling are undertaken in the Career Counselling Room (Room No. 45), normally followed by Career Awareness Camps for the Students. Bio-data are collected through both online mode (using Google Form) and offline mode (using feedback forms and EQ Test questionnaires). Charts, diagrams and illustrated counselling models are displayed in the room and by way of display files to aid the counsellors to interact with the candidates. Separate records are preserved of the candidates who undertake Individual Counselling.


A Micro-Teaching Lab has been built up containing multimedia facilities to develop e-content using editing tools and multimedia software. Equipments like photographic lights, tripod (with camera and mobile mounts) and public address system (with up gradation options kept open to built up a Recording Studio in near future). The Lab is meant for conducting micro-teaching practice for the teachers as well as public speaking practice class for the students. The same Lab may be used by the teachers to prepare video lectures (when up graded to include a Video Recording Studio).


The College entered into a memorandum of understanding with M/S Right Brains Technology on 21.01.2021 to provide service to the students of our college - current and ex-students, to use the Online Competitive Examination Portal (Scheme Name: Entry-in-Service) designed and maintained by the Service Provider, for their self practice and self appraisal. At present there are 48000 questions on different topics covering GK, Reasoning, Mathematics and English in the said portal.


Display Units include wall mount Notice Boards, Wall Magazine Board, White Board and Black Board, as well as Display Folders (contain Hand Magazine version of ‘SCM CAREER DIGEST’ and information brochures, prospectus and literatures of different professional institutes of higher learning and skill development.


The smart-room having 90 seating capacity and the auditorium with 100 seating capacity are available on sharing basis to conduct the training courses and workshops. Both of them are well equipped with projectors, audio systems and air-conditioners. Computer Lab 1 is usually used to conduct ICT based training programmes.

  • Tata Consultancy Services (TCS)
  • Naandi Foundation (Mahindra Pride Classroom)
  • Right BrainsTechnology

Training Workshops

  • Motivational Workshops
  • Vocational Workshops
  • Counselling Sessions
  • Micro-Teaching Practice

Information Services

  • Career Information Centre & Reading Room
  • Entrepreneurship Development Campaigns


  • Wall Magazine/ Hand Magazine/ E-Newsletter
  • Notes/ E-Contents on Career related matters
SL Year Name of the Capacity Development and Skills Enhancement Program Period (from date - to date) Number of Students Enrolled Name of the Agencies/Experts Involved Category
1 2019-20 WEBINAR on “Horizons of Employment Generation in the Present Turbulence: Way Ahead” 25.06.2020 86 SCM Career Development Cell & Dept. of Commerce 3
2 2020-21 Language & Communication Skills Development Workshop (online) 08.09.2020 to 26.02.2021 34 SCM Career Development Cell 2
3 2021-22 Employability Training Programme (online) 15.01.2021 to 15.03.2021 39 Tata Consultancy Services 1
4 2021-22 Language & Communication Skills Development Workshop (online) 02.11.2021 to 18.12.2021 40 SCM Career Development Cell 2
5 2022-23 Youth Employability Programme (YEP) (offline) 07.09.2022 to 26.09.2022 86 Tata Consultancy Services 1
6 2022-23 Workshop on ‘Know your Balanced Diet’ (offline) 14.09.2022 35 Dept. of Food & Nutrition, SCM 3
7 2022-23 Seminar: Awareness Programme On Cyber Crime (offline) 16.09.2022 100 Barasat Police District, NSS Cell and Women Cell 3
8 2022-23 Field Visit & Survey Works for Students at Bengal Global Trade Expo 2023, Kolkata (offline) 25.01.2023 to 29.01.2023 22 Confederation of West Bengal Trade Associations 2
9 2022-23 Mahindra Sponsored Career Counselling & Training Workshop for Female Students (offline) 13.03.2023 to 18.03.2023 152 Naandi Foundation 1
10 2022-23 Workshop on Career Awareness & Planning (offline) 21.06.2023 129 Anudip Foundation 1
11 2022-23 Add-on Course on ‘Stress and Anxiety Management through Yoga (offline) 25.04.2023 to 21.06.2023 188 Dept. of Physical Education- Sree Chaitanya Mahavidyalaya 3
Categories : 1. Soft skills 2. Language and Communication skills 3. Life skills (Yoga, physical fitness, health and hygiene, ED)
SL Year Name of the Program Period Number of Students Enrolled Agencies/Experts Involved
1 2018-19 Workshop - Computerized Accounting for B.Com (H) Students 29.01.2019 – 02.02.2019 47 SCM Career Development Cell & Dept. of Commerce
2 2018-19 Use of ICT in Teaching, Learning & Evaluation 04.06.2019 40 IQAC, Sree Chaitanya Mahavidyalaya
3 2019-20 Workshop on Computerized Accounting for B.Com (G) Students 06-10 Aug 2019 43 SCM Career Development Cell & Dept. of Commerce
4 2020-21 Webinar on Ethical Hacking 17.07.2020 86 Indian Cyber Security Solutions
5 2021-22 Workshop on GST Returns 23.07.2021 & 24.07.2021 62 Dept. of Commerce, Sree Chaitanya Mahavidyalaya
6 2021-22 Add-on-Course on ICT based Teaching Learning 05.04.2022 to 26.05.2022 125 Dept. of Commerce, Sree Chaitanya Mahavidyalaya
7 2022-23 Add-on-Course on Computerized Accounting 09.09.2022 to 28.09.2022 106 Dept. of Commerce, Sree Chaitanya Mahavidyalaya
8 2022-23 Short-term Software Training Programme – E-content Development, Adv. Excel, Computerized Accounting 07-10 Dec 2022 105 ICA Edu Skills (P) Ltd.
9 2022-23 Workshop on Financial Statement Analysis 11.01.2023 69 Dept. of Commerce, Sree Chaitanya Mahavidyalaya
10 2022-23 Add-on-Course on Filing on Tax Returns 04.04.2023 to 09.06.2023 187 Dept. of Commerce, Sree Chaitanya Mahavidyalaya
11 2022-23 Seminar for Students - Exploring Career Options in Industry Era 4.0 26.04.2023 43 Vidhyarthee Education, Webel Fujisoft Vara Centre of Excellence, Webel PSPL Career Academy, Bandhan Konnagar
SL A.Y. and Date/Time/Venue Name of the Activity Organizer/ Collaborator Number of Students Participated
1 2018-19, 02.08.2018, 11 am-3 pm, College Seminar Hall Students’ Counselling Workshop on Career Development (offline) SCM CDC 117
2 2019-20, 01.10.2019, 10 am-2 pm, College Seminar Hall Students’ Counselling Workshop on Career Avenues (offline) SCM CDC 92
3 2020-21, 28.09.2020, 5.00 – 8.00 pm, Online through Google Meet General Counselling Workshop SCM CDC 48
4 2020-21, 12.11.2020 Internship cum Recruitment Fair (online) INTERNSHALA 116
5 2020-21, 15.01.2021 to 15.03.2021 General Counselling Session of Employability Training Programme (online) TATA CONSULTANCY SERVICES 39
6 2020-21, Sept.-Nov. 2020 Online Review of Emotional Quotient during Pandemic Lockdown - EQ1 & EQ2 SCM CDC 78
7 2021-22, 21.12.2021 Webinar on ‘Career Opportunities in Government Sector’ (Online) RICE EDUCATION (Mr. Partha Saha & Mr. Baidyanath Chatterjee) 97
8A 2021-22, Online access year-long Students enrolled in the Online Competitive Examination Portal (Scheme Name: Entry-in-Service) RIGHT BRAINS TECHNOLOGY 1728
9 2022-23, 21ST, 23RD, 26TH Sept. 2022 General Counselling Session of Youth Employability Programme (offline) TATA CONSULTANCY SERVICES 105
10 2022-23, 13.03.2023 to 18.03.2023 General Counselling Session of MAHINDRA sponsored Career Counselling & Training Workshop (offline) NAANDI FOUNDATION 157
11 2022-23, 26.04.2023 Career Counselling Camps - for short-listing of candidates for Employment oriented skill development programme (offline) VIDHYARTHEE EDUCATION, WEBEL FUJISOFT VARA CENTRE OF EXCELLENCE, WEBEL PSPL CAREER ACADEMY, BANDHAN KONNAGAR 43
12 2022-23, 21.06.2023 Career Awareness Session (offline) ANUDIP FOUNDATION 129
13 2022-23, Nov.’22 – Jan.’23 Online Girl Students’ Career Counselling & Review (Online access) SCM CDC 294
8B 2022-23, Online access year-long Students enrolled in the Online Competitive Examination Portal (Scheme Name: Entry-in-Service) RIGHT BRAINS TECHNOLOGY 1388
Students benefitted by guidance for competitive examinations and career counselling offered by the institution during the last five years
Year Guidance for Competitive Examinations Details of Career Counselling
Name of the Activity Number of Students Participated Number of Students Placed Name of the Activity Number of Students Participated Number of Students Qualified
2018-19 14 Students’ Counselling Workshop on Career Development in offline mode, conducted by SCM CDC 117 52
2019-20 3 Students’ Counselling Workshop on Career Avenues in offline mode, conducted by SCM CDC 92 27
2020-21 4 General Counselling Workshop in online mode, conducted by SCM CDC 48 15
2020-21 Internship cum Recruitment Fair online, in collaboration with INTERNSALA 116
2020-21 General Counselling Session of Employability Training Programme in online mode, in collaboration withTATA CONSULTANCY SERVICES 39
2020-21 Online Review of Emotional Quotient during Pandemic Lockdown - EQ1 & EQ2, conducted by SCM CDC 78
2021-22 5 Webinar on ‘Career Opportunities in Government Sector’ online, in collaboration with RICE EDUCATION 97 45
2021-22 Students enrolled in the Online Competitive Examination Portal (Scheme Name: Entry-in-Service) , in collaboration with RIGHT BRAINS TECHNOLOGY 1728
2022-23 18 General Counselling Session of Youth Employability Programme (YEP) in offline mode , in collaboration with TATA CONSULTANCY SERVICES 105 35
2022-23 General Counselling Session of Mahindra sponsored Career Counselling & Training Workshop in offline mode, in collaboration with NAANDI FOUNDATION 157
2022-23 Career Counselling Camps - for short-listing of candidates for Employment-Oriented Skill Development Programme in offline mode, in collaboration with VIDHYARTHEE EDUCATION, WEBEL FUJISOFT VARA CENTRE OF EXCELLENCE, WEBEL PSPL CAREER ACADEMY, BANDHAN KONNAGAR 43
2022-23 Career Awareness Session in offline mode, in collaboration with ANUDIP FOUNDATION 129
2022-23 Online Girl Students’ Career Counselling & Review ithrough online access, conducted by SCM CDC 294
2022-23 Students enrolled in the Online Competitive Examination Portal (Scheme Name: Entry-in-Service) in collaboration with RIGHT BRAINS TECHNOLOGY 1388
44 4431 174

The students willing to get enrolled for participating in the Career Development Programmes should send their NAME, COLLEGE ROLL NO., EMAIL and WHATSAPP NO. through email for online registration at:-