Sree Chaitanya Mahavidyalaya, Habra  M.Com Sem 1 (Batch 2024-26) Examination 2024-25  |   Sree Chaitanya Mahavidyalaya, Habra  M.Com Sem 3 (Batch 2023-25) Examination 2024-25  |   Sree Chaitanya Mahavidyalaya, Habra  Observance of National Energy Conservation Day  |   Sree Chaitanya Mahavidyalaya, Habra  Semester V Internal Examination  |   Sree Chaitanya Mahavidyalaya, Habra  Notice_Subject Verification_3 Sem-2024  |   Sree Chaitanya Mahavidyalaya, Habra  Notice_Admission 3rd Sem (NEP) & 5th Sem (CBCS) 2024  |   Sree Chaitanya Mahavidyalaya, Habra  Notice-Admission 3rd Semester(NEP) & 5th Semester (CBCS) 2024  |   Sree Chaitanya Mahavidyalaya, Habra  Notice for Physical Documents Verification 1st sem 2024  |   Sree Chaitanya Mahavidyalaya, Habra  Notice for UG 1st SEM Registration 2024-25  |   Sree Chaitanya Mahavidyalaya, Habra  STUDENTS' NOTICE  |   Sree Chaitanya Mahavidyalaya, Habra  Physical documents Verification Schedule for 1st sem 2024 (2nd Phase Admission)  |   Sree Chaitanya Mahavidyalaya, Habra  Notice for UG 1st Semester Admission 2024  |   Sree Chaitanya Mahavidyalaya, Habra  Notice _Library Orientation Programme for 1st Sem Students on 30/8/2024  |   Sree Chaitanya Mahavidyalaya, Habra  Notice for Anti-Ragging Declaration  |   Sree Chaitanya Mahavidyalaya, Habra  Anti-Ragging Declaration Form  |   Sree Chaitanya Mahavidyalaya, Habra  WhatsApp joining Link for 1st Semester (NEP) Students 2024  |   Sree Chaitanya Mahavidyalaya, Habra  Notice for Orientation Programme for 1st Sem Students 2024  |   Sree Chaitanya Mahavidyalaya, Habra  Notice for Commence of Class of 1st Sem Students 2024  |   Sree Chaitanya Mahavidyalaya, Habra  Schedule for Physical Verification of Documents for B.A. -Multidisciplinary 2024  |   Sree Chaitanya Mahavidyalaya, Habra  NOTICE_Physical Verification of Documents of UG 1st Semester Students-2024-25  |   Sree Chaitanya Mahavidyalaya, Habra  Notice for Students Concession  |    Invitation for application for hostel occupancy  |   Sree Chaitanya Mahavidyalaya, Habra  Physics &Chemistry 3rd and 5th sem Internal Practical exam  |   Sree Chaitanya Mahavidyalaya, Habra  Notice _3rd and 5th sem practical exam and Re- internal exam  |   Sree Chaitanya Mahavidyalaya, Habra  Time-Schedule for Internal Exam, 2023-24 (SEM-III & SEM-V)  |   Sree Chaitanya Mahavidyalaya, Habra  3rd SEMESTER-SEC PROJECT-B.A. (HONOURS & GENERAL), 2023  |   Sree Chaitanya Mahavidyalaya, Habra  3rd SEMESTER MIL -ENGLISH FINAL NOTICE,2023  |   Sree Chaitanya Mahavidyalaya, Habra  NOTICE REGARDING 3rd SEMESTER AECC-MIL-ENGLISH  |   Sree Chaitanya Mahavidyalaya, Habra  Notice for Admission in 3rd & 5th Sem 2023  |   Sree Chaitanya Mahavidyalaya, Habra  Admission Notice 3rd & 5th Sem 2023  |   Sree Chaitanya Mahavidyalaya, Habra  SEALED TENDERS ARE INVITED AS DISPLAYED BELOW  |   Sree Chaitanya Mahavidyalaya, Habra  TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF TENDER  |   Sree Chaitanya Mahavidyalaya, Habra  TENDER INVITING PURCHASE OF STEEL CHAIR  |   Sree Chaitanya Mahavidyalaya, Habra  DECARATION AGAINST ANTI RAGGING  |   Sree Chaitanya Mahavidyalaya, Habra  Roll Number 1st Sem_ Hons & General 2023 -4th Phase  |   Sree Chaitanya Mahavidyalaya, Habra  Notice for UG 1st sem Registration Verification 2023  |   Sree Chaitanya Mahavidyalaya, Habra  Notice for UG 1 Semester Online Admission from 11/9/23 to 20/9/23  |   Sree Chaitanya Mahavidyalaya, Habra  Roll Number 1st Sem_ Hons & General 2023 -3rd Phase  |   Sree Chaitanya Mahavidyalaya, Habra  Schedule of Documents Verification_2023 -3rd Phase on 1st Nov 2023  |   Sree Chaitanya Mahavidyalaya, Habra  Online Admission in P.G. Course - M.Com for the Session 2023-25  |   Sree Chaitanya Mahavidyalaya, Habra  AECC-MIL SCHEDULE FOR 2nd SEMESTER STUDENTS  |   Sree Chaitanya Mahavidyalaya, Habra  Anti Ragging Affidavit  |   Sree Chaitanya Mahavidyalaya, Habra  Notice for Library Orientation Programme for 1st Sem Students 2023  |   Sree Chaitanya Mahavidyalaya, Habra  1st Sem Physical Documents Verification schedule_2nd Phase  |   Sree Chaitanya Mahavidyalaya, Habra  1st Sem _College Roll Number 2nd Phase_2023  |   Sree Chaitanya Mahavidyalaya, Habra  B.Com (Major & Minor) Routine 2023-24  |   Sree Chaitanya Mahavidyalaya, Habra  Routine of B.A. (Major & Minor) for the session 2023-24  |   Sree Chaitanya Mahavidyalaya, Habra  Routine of B.Sc-2023-24  |    Commencement of First Semester classes  |    Notice for Documents Verification on 21st August 2023  |    WhatsApp Groups for VAC-First Semester-2023-24  |    Orientation Programme for the First Semester students-2023-24  |    WhatsApp Group links for 1st Semester Pure Science-Maths., Physics, Chemistry-2023-24  |    Notice_Orientation 1st sem 2023  |    Roll Number 1st sem Admitted students 2023 _1st Phase  |    WhatsApp group links for the First Semester students (2023-24)  |    Physical Verification Schedule UG 1st Sem 2023 at College  |    Notice for UG Online Admission 2023-24_2nd Phase  |    UG Provisional Merit List for 1st Sem 2023-24  |    M.COM SEMESTER -II & IV Written Exam Schedule  |    UG 1st Sem Online Admission Notice 2023-24  |    UG 1st Sem Admission Guidelines 2023  |    Urgent Notice for filling in 'Students Feedback Form'  |    M.COM ONLINE ADMISSION, FIRST SEMESTER, 2022  |    COVID-19 PROTOCOL_SCM  |    Sree Chaitanya Mahavidyalaya - at a Glance  |    SCM EXAM RELATED HELPLINE  |    College New Website 


National Cadet Corps (NCC) - Naval Wing

The National Cadet Corps is an Indian military cadetcorps with its Headquarters situated in New Delhi, India. It is a Tri-ServicesOrganization, comprising the Army, Navy and Air Force, engaged in grooming theyouth of the country into disciplined and patriotic citizens. The NationalCadet Corps in India is a voluntary organization which recruits cadets fromhigh schools, colleges and universities all over India. The Cadets are givenbasic military training in small arms and parades. The officers and cadets haveno liability for active military service once they complete their course.


The motto of NCC is Unity and Discipline (adopted on 12 Oct 1980 at the 12th Central Advisory Committee meeting)


I do hereby solemnly promise thatI will serve my mother land most truly and loyally and that, I will abide bythe rules and regulations of the National Cadet Corps. Further under thecommand and control of my commanding officer I will participate in every campmost sincerely and whole-heartedly

Cardinal Principles of NCC

  • Obey with smile
  • Be punctual
  • Work hard without fuss
  • Make no excuses and tell no lies

Aims of NCC

   To Create a Human Resource of Organized, Trained and Motivated Youth.

·  To Provide Leadership in all Walks of life and be Always Available for the Service of the Nation.

·   To Provide a Suitable Environment to Motivate the Youth to Take Up a Career in the Armed Forces.

·    To Develop Character, Comradeship, Discipline, Leadership, Secular Outlook, Spirit of Adventure, and Ideals of Selfless Service amongst the Youth of the Country.


  • A sense of patriotic commitment to encourage cadets to contribute to national development.
  • Respect for diversities in religion, language, culture, ethnicity, life style and habitat to instill a sense of National unity and social cohesion.
  • Abiding commitment to learn and adhere to the norms and values enshrined in the Indian Constitution.
  • Understanding the value of a just and impartial exercise of authority.
  • Ability to participate in community development and other social programme.
  • A healthy life style free of substance abuse and other unhealthy practices.
  • Sensitivity to the needs of poor and socially disadvantaged fellow citizens.
  • Inculcating habits of restraint and self-awareness.
  • Understanding the values of honesty, truthfulness, self-sacrifice, perseverance and hard work.
  • Respect for knowledge, wisdom and the power of ideas.