Sree Chaitanya Mahavidyalaya, Habra  Seminar_Samaresh Basu 26th March 2025  |   Sree Chaitanya Mahavidyalaya, Habra  M.Com Sem 1 (Batch 2024-26) Examination 2024-25  |   Sree Chaitanya Mahavidyalaya, Habra  M.Com Sem 3 (Batch 2023-25) Examination 2024-25  |   Sree Chaitanya Mahavidyalaya, Habra  Observance of National Energy Conservation Day  |   Sree Chaitanya Mahavidyalaya, Habra  Semester V Internal Examination  |   Sree Chaitanya Mahavidyalaya, Habra  Notice_Subject Verification_3 Sem-2024  |   Sree Chaitanya Mahavidyalaya, Habra  Notice_Admission 3rd Sem (NEP) & 5th Sem (CBCS) 2024  |   Sree Chaitanya Mahavidyalaya, Habra  Notice-Admission 3rd Semester(NEP) & 5th Semester (CBCS) 2024  |   Sree Chaitanya Mahavidyalaya, Habra  Notice for Physical Documents Verification 1st sem 2024  |   Sree Chaitanya Mahavidyalaya, Habra  Notice for UG 1st SEM Registration 2024-25  |   Sree Chaitanya Mahavidyalaya, Habra  STUDENTS' NOTICE  |   Sree Chaitanya Mahavidyalaya, Habra  Physical documents Verification Schedule for 1st sem 2024 (2nd Phase Admission)  |   Sree Chaitanya Mahavidyalaya, Habra  Notice for UG 1st Semester Admission 2024  |   Sree Chaitanya Mahavidyalaya, Habra  Notice _Library Orientation Programme for 1st Sem Students on 30/8/2024  |   Sree Chaitanya Mahavidyalaya, Habra  Notice for Anti-Ragging Declaration  |   Sree Chaitanya Mahavidyalaya, Habra  Anti-Ragging Declaration Form  |   Sree Chaitanya Mahavidyalaya, Habra  WhatsApp joining Link for 1st Semester (NEP) Students 2024  |   Sree Chaitanya Mahavidyalaya, Habra  Notice for Orientation Programme for 1st Sem Students 2024  |   Sree Chaitanya Mahavidyalaya, Habra  Schedule for Physical Verification of Documents for B.A. -Multidisciplinary 2024  |   Sree Chaitanya Mahavidyalaya, Habra  DECARATION AGAINST ANTI RAGGING  |   Sree Chaitanya Mahavidyalaya, Habra  Online Admission in P.G. Course - M.Com for the Session 2023-25  |   Sree Chaitanya Mahavidyalaya, Habra  AECC-MIL SCHEDULE FOR 2nd SEMESTER STUDENTS  |   Sree Chaitanya Mahavidyalaya, Habra  Anti Ragging Affidavit  |    Commencement of First Semester classes  |    Sree Chaitanya Mahavidyalaya - at a Glance  |    SCM EXAM RELATED HELPLINE  |    College New Website 

Academic Affairs

Cluster of Colleges

At the behest of the Higher Education Department, Government of West Bengal, we have involved ourselves in signing of MOU with three other neighbour colleges, viz. Amdanga Jugal Kishor Mahavidyalaya, Banipur Mahila Mahavidyalaya and  Netaji Satabarshiki Mahavidyalaya. This group will be called  ‘Cluster of Four Colleges’. All these colleges, including ours, have formed a very progressive strategic plan in the realm of Teaching-Learning Method. The human resources and intellectual resources of these colleges are shared amongst the students of all the four colleges. These colleges liberally share the study materials, virtual classroom lectures and other forms of teaching via ICT, amongst their students, thus enriching them more and more. We would seriously consider the physical faculty exchange or student exchange programme, inter college use of library resources, etc. We are in the nascent stage now and endeavouring to formulate the SOPs, and we ardently believe that in the near future we would be able to bolster the teaching-learning experience in a state-of-the-art way which would be a matter of sheer inspiration for others.

E-Learning Resource Centre

E-learning or web-based learning is a long trusted forte of Sree Chaitanya Mahavidyalaya. We regularly and systematically upload copious study materials in the E-resource section, embedded in the Library section of our college’s official website for the greater common good of our students.

In this trying time of SARS-Cov-2 (COVID-19) global pandemic, we have fully utilized our exercise of web-based teaching-learning method. We have started taking online classes from the inception of the nationwide lockdown and we have continued to teach our students till the end of the current semesters. We have also introduced the unique practice of taking inter-departmental, interdisciplinary classes for the expansion of the horizon of knowledge of our students.

As we are also fully aware of the digital divide and the inconsistent bandwidth / frequencies in the rural areas, we have uploaded each and every study material intended for the students in the e-resources section of our website for the effortless perusal of all the students at their own chosen time and space. Besides, we have also mailed them or have transmitted the study materials via IM platforms.

Our faculty members and librarians also have religiously attended a plethora of international / national / state level webinars organized by different organizations in order to imbibe more and more knowledge. In this context we can mention here that Sree Chaitanya Mahavidyalaya is among the pioneer institutions to organize a number of international / national / state level webinars.

As the menacing shadow of the global pandemic looms large still now and we are in an extremely doubtful stage, we would strive to the best possible extent to lay emphasis upon the online or web based method of teaching-learning process, which, when normalcy is restored, can even be utilized as the extra-schedule teaching hours to cater to the requirements of our chief stakeholders, the students, in an progressively augmented manner.

Research & Development

The chief part of the Research and Development Sector is to help an organization to maintain its keenness and arduousness in any research-oriented venture. Since innovative teaching-learning is a massive research oriented process, our college lays emphasis upon research in redesigning the teaching methods, particularly for online mode, and also in development of teaching-learning e-resource contents, e-books and e-magazines using multimedia tools & techniques – keeping in view the need of online classes and webinars.

Moreover, as we run Post Graduate Course in Commerce (M.Com) under the aegis of West Bengal State University, case study based research oriented teaching mode is followed with an eye to equip our students with some practical career-oriented skills side-by-side with the regular curriculum. This means keeping an eye on developing trends, and on what the competition is doing, R&D is therefore also about analysis and a sound understanding of current conditions within a specific sector or domain.

Our teachers are actively involved in traditional research works. Currently three of our teachers (including the Principal of this college) have submitted their UGC funded Minor Research Projects. Previously a large number of our full-time faculty members had also submitted successfully their MRPs.

Presently, nine of our faculty members have doctoral researches in their credit. Some of the State Aided College Teachers are also pursuing M.Phil. and doctoral researches in various fields.

As publication is the part and parcel of research activity, we used to publish ‘The Impression’ - a multidisciplinary research journal from our college. Even now, surrounded by the menace of the global pandemic, the Department of Commerce has been publishing a quarterly e-journal ‘SCM Commerce Digest’ for the students, comprising the scholarly write ups of the faculty members, scholars from outside the college, and moots a plan to involve the alumni and students also in the positive activity to remain creative and actively remain in the ‘thinking’ process for self development. The Career Development Cell of the College has also initiated in publishing a bi-annual emagazine for the students – ‘SCM Career Digest’. Other departments have also this plan of publishing interdisciplinary journals in the offing.

Alumni Association

Sree Chaitanya Mahavidyalaya is proud to have a registered Alumni Association. Quite a good number of them are participating in guiding the current students with writings, advices and incubation efforts, to help them attain a career goal. Registration for new membership as an alumni is open all the time (24 x 7) through our website. Details of this or the process of registration can be reached at the website -

Rules & Regulations for the Students


The students are specially required to maintain proper atmosphere of education within the college campus by abiding by at least the following rules :

  •  They should not leave the classroom during class hours without the permission of the teachers.
  •  They should not loiter on the corridor during the class hours.
  •  They should not write anything or paste any paper on the college walls
  •  They should not pluck flowers from the garden and should take every step to keep garden clean and beautiful.
  •  The students must remember that the college is theirs and it is their duty to keep the college neat and clean in all respects.


The students are required to attend the classes (including online classes) regularly and punctually. If they fail to attend 75% of the lectures delivered they will be declared non-collegiate and in that case they may have to pay a sum of Rs.200/- each to University in order to be eligible for appearing at the Final examination conducted by the University. If the percentage of attendance falls short of 60% of the lectures delivered they will be declared non-collegiate, in which case they will not be allowed to appear in the Final Examination of the University. The College follow the academic calendar year (July-June).

College Hours

The normal working hours is from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.