Sree Chaitanya Mahavidyalaya, Habra  M.Com Sem 1 (Batch 2024-26) Examination 2024-25  |   Sree Chaitanya Mahavidyalaya, Habra  M.Com Sem 3 (Batch 2023-25) Examination 2024-25  |   Sree Chaitanya Mahavidyalaya, Habra  Observance of National Energy Conservation Day  |   Sree Chaitanya Mahavidyalaya, Habra  Semester V Internal Examination  |   Sree Chaitanya Mahavidyalaya, Habra  Notice_Subject Verification_3 Sem-2024  |   Sree Chaitanya Mahavidyalaya, Habra  Notice_Admission 3rd Sem (NEP) & 5th Sem (CBCS) 2024  |   Sree Chaitanya Mahavidyalaya, Habra  Notice-Admission 3rd Semester(NEP) & 5th Semester (CBCS) 2024  |   Sree Chaitanya Mahavidyalaya, Habra  Notice for Physical Documents Verification 1st sem 2024  |   Sree Chaitanya Mahavidyalaya, Habra  Notice for UG 1st SEM Registration 2024-25  |   Sree Chaitanya Mahavidyalaya, Habra  STUDENTS' NOTICE  |   Sree Chaitanya Mahavidyalaya, Habra  Physical documents Verification Schedule for 1st sem 2024 (2nd Phase Admission)  |   Sree Chaitanya Mahavidyalaya, Habra  Notice for UG 1st Semester Admission 2024  |   Sree Chaitanya Mahavidyalaya, Habra  Notice _Library Orientation Programme for 1st Sem Students on 30/8/2024  |   Sree Chaitanya Mahavidyalaya, Habra  Notice for Anti-Ragging Declaration  |   Sree Chaitanya Mahavidyalaya, Habra  Anti-Ragging Declaration Form  |   Sree Chaitanya Mahavidyalaya, Habra  WhatsApp joining Link for 1st Semester (NEP) Students 2024  |   Sree Chaitanya Mahavidyalaya, Habra  Notice for Orientation Programme for 1st Sem Students 2024  |   Sree Chaitanya Mahavidyalaya, Habra  Notice for Commence of Class of 1st Sem Students 2024  |   Sree Chaitanya Mahavidyalaya, Habra  Schedule for Physical Verification of Documents for B.A. -Multidisciplinary 2024  |   Sree Chaitanya Mahavidyalaya, Habra  NOTICE_Physical Verification of Documents of UG 1st Semester Students-2024-25  |   Sree Chaitanya Mahavidyalaya, Habra  Notice for Students Concession  |    Invitation for application for hostel occupancy  |   Sree Chaitanya Mahavidyalaya, Habra  Physics &Chemistry 3rd and 5th sem Internal Practical exam  |   Sree Chaitanya Mahavidyalaya, Habra  Notice _3rd and 5th sem practical exam and Re- internal exam  |   Sree Chaitanya Mahavidyalaya, Habra  Time-Schedule for Internal Exam, 2023-24 (SEM-III & SEM-V)  |   Sree Chaitanya Mahavidyalaya, Habra  3rd SEMESTER-SEC PROJECT-B.A. (HONOURS & GENERAL), 2023  |   Sree Chaitanya Mahavidyalaya, Habra  3rd SEMESTER MIL -ENGLISH FINAL NOTICE,2023  |   Sree Chaitanya Mahavidyalaya, Habra  NOTICE REGARDING 3rd SEMESTER AECC-MIL-ENGLISH  |   Sree Chaitanya Mahavidyalaya, Habra  Notice for Admission in 3rd & 5th Sem 2023  |   Sree Chaitanya Mahavidyalaya, Habra  Admission Notice 3rd & 5th Sem 2023  |   Sree Chaitanya Mahavidyalaya, Habra  SEALED TENDERS ARE INVITED AS DISPLAYED BELOW  |   Sree Chaitanya Mahavidyalaya, Habra  TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF TENDER  |   Sree Chaitanya Mahavidyalaya, Habra  TENDER INVITING PURCHASE OF STEEL CHAIR  |   Sree Chaitanya Mahavidyalaya, Habra  DECARATION AGAINST ANTI RAGGING  |   Sree Chaitanya Mahavidyalaya, Habra  Roll Number 1st Sem_ Hons & General 2023 -4th Phase  |   Sree Chaitanya Mahavidyalaya, Habra  Notice for UG 1st sem Registration Verification 2023  |   Sree Chaitanya Mahavidyalaya, Habra  Notice for UG 1 Semester Online Admission from 11/9/23 to 20/9/23  |   Sree Chaitanya Mahavidyalaya, Habra  Roll Number 1st Sem_ Hons & General 2023 -3rd Phase  |   Sree Chaitanya Mahavidyalaya, Habra  Schedule of Documents Verification_2023 -3rd Phase on 1st Nov 2023  |   Sree Chaitanya Mahavidyalaya, Habra  Online Admission in P.G. Course - M.Com for the Session 2023-25  |   Sree Chaitanya Mahavidyalaya, Habra  AECC-MIL SCHEDULE FOR 2nd SEMESTER STUDENTS  |   Sree Chaitanya Mahavidyalaya, Habra  Anti Ragging Affidavit  |   Sree Chaitanya Mahavidyalaya, Habra  Notice for Library Orientation Programme for 1st Sem Students 2023  |   Sree Chaitanya Mahavidyalaya, Habra  1st Sem Physical Documents Verification schedule_2nd Phase  |   Sree Chaitanya Mahavidyalaya, Habra  1st Sem _College Roll Number 2nd Phase_2023  |   Sree Chaitanya Mahavidyalaya, Habra  B.Com (Major & Minor) Routine 2023-24  |   Sree Chaitanya Mahavidyalaya, Habra  Routine of B.A. (Major & Minor) for the session 2023-24  |   Sree Chaitanya Mahavidyalaya, Habra  Routine of B.Sc-2023-24  |    Commencement of First Semester classes  |    Notice for Documents Verification on 21st August 2023  |    WhatsApp Groups for VAC-First Semester-2023-24  |    Orientation Programme for the First Semester students-2023-24  |    WhatsApp Group links for 1st Semester Pure Science-Maths., Physics, Chemistry-2023-24  |    Notice_Orientation 1st sem 2023  |    Roll Number 1st sem Admitted students 2023 _1st Phase  |    WhatsApp group links for the First Semester students (2023-24)  |    Physical Verification Schedule UG 1st Sem 2023 at College  |    Notice for UG Online Admission 2023-24_2nd Phase  |    UG Provisional Merit List for 1st Sem 2023-24  |    M.COM SEMESTER -II & IV Written Exam Schedule  |    UG 1st Sem Online Admission Notice 2023-24  |    UG 1st Sem Admission Guidelines 2023  |    Urgent Notice for filling in 'Students Feedback Form'  |    M.COM ONLINE ADMISSION, FIRST SEMESTER, 2022  |    COVID-19 PROTOCOL_SCM  |    Sree Chaitanya Mahavidyalaya - at a Glance  |    SCM EXAM RELATED HELPLINE  |    College New Website 

Grievance Redresseal Cell


The Grievance Redressal Cell was formed in Sree Chaitanya Mahavidyalaya College with the goal of resolving student grievances. Students may submit their grievances in writing to the Principal or electronically via the Grievance Form available on the College Website. The cell will meet as needed and take appropriate measures/solutions to the grievances addressed to it. All students in our college have access to the Grievance Redressal Cell to voice their concerns about academic matters, financial matters, health services, the library, and other central services. Students' complaints dropped in the 'Suggestion Box' and oral complaints are both addressed. An effective complaint management mechanism improves stakeholder relationships and satisfaction. This cell's nature is highly confidential. The Grievance Redressal Cell, which reports to the principal, resolves our students' problems.


  • The vision and mission of the institution is inextricably linked to strong principles and ethics.
  • The management and the college guarantees a strong redressel mechanism for student grievances.
  • As mandated by the government, a grievance mechanism is in place to resolve any academic or administrative complaints. The college's code of conduct applies to all students.
  • Our institution has a zero tolerance policy for any form of ragging or sexual harassment, the posters in the vicinity of the college campus reinforces the rules to be maintained by the students.
  • Our institution strictly adheres to all norms against sexual harassment, ragging, and other offences as issued from time to time by the state and federal governments.
  •  Abuse on social networking sites will be severely punished.
  •  Any offence discovered through CCTV surveillance is punishable.
  •  Any student found in an incriminating situation, both on and off campus, will be reprimanded and counselled.
  •  Students who violate the code of conduct will be given a fair hearing at the Departmental level.
  •  The institution does not tolerate ragging or sexual harassment.


  • To develop a responsive and accountable attitude among all the stakeholders in order to maintain a harmonious educational atmosphere in the institute.
  • To uphold the dignity of the College by ensuring strife free atmosphere in the College through promoting cordial relationships with stakeholders.
  • To encourage the stakeholders to express their grievances/problems freely and frankly, without any fear of being victimized.
  • Different methods for registering of Grievances Digital feedback is taken from all the students.
  • Suggestion boxes are installed in common areas of the college and near the college office in which the students can drop their suggestions and complaints with or without revealing their identity.
  • The College portal has an online Grievance Redressal area for registering their complaints, through the link given in the website on academic and non-academic matters. This is introduced to enable the students to express their grievances easily without delay.
  • During the lock down the grievances were resolved and received through the prevalent social media for the benefit of the students.

Sl. No. Member Position Email
1 Dr. Subrata Chaterjee Chairman
2 Sri. Santanu Mandal Convener
3 Dr. Manabendra Sekhar Bhadra Member
4 Dr. Sukumar Pal Member
5 Sri. Ashok Acharyya Member (NTS)
6 Saikat Roy Member (Student Representative)
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